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Showing posts from October, 2008
Happy Halloween! Here are some fun images of our house - spooky! And some of our crazy neighbors (and us too) in their get ups. I hope everyone had a spectacular Halloween!

Pumpkin Hunting

A couple of days ago we went pumpkin hunting and as it was days before Halloween I didn't expect to find anything. Alas, we lucked out and found 3 plump healthy pumpkins. Which we of course took home and mutilated. Makaela in the corn... Not sure what the big sand box full of corn was really supposed to be about, but they had fun until they found corn in their underwear. Let the mutilation begin! Nick became confused about the pumpkin carving and it took some time before he understood it was the pumpkins we carving, not each other.

Christine and her boys

One of the first things I noticed about Christine and her boys is how fiercely proud her boys are of her. They didn't roll their eyes at her like some kids do during pictures, they did what she asked of them without complaining and they didn't flinch when she hugged them and no I am not making this up. Whatever she has done, she should put it in a pill form and market it! Seeing that there was such a height difference I thought I would shake things up a bit and put the shorter one in a tree... It worked! And amazingly they both smiled! I just love this shot! All I asked them to do was walk away from me and they immediately wrapped their arms around each other. I am in awe of how she could get two boys (at their ages!) to not only like her, but allow her to show affection toward them. It was marvelous and very inspiring!

Fall Days

This was one of those wonderful Fall days where the sun was bright and warm. It was a day where everything was wonderful and the slight chill in the air was comforting. I went with Aidan's class to a pumpkin patch, we were supposed to learn about farms and food. As with most Kindergartner's it's hard to get them interested in anything other than what they are focused on. This was supposed to simulate milking a cow... As we were pumpkin picking, we were instructed to pick pumpkins as big as our heads and no bigger. So there were lots of holding up pumpkins to compare. As a friendly reminder...

Brandi, Brad and their crew

I would say these two boys are very lucky to have such a wonderful sister! She definitely learned what it means to be kind, have a good time, and love her brothers. And how lucky is she to have two adorable brothers? I bet there are few calm moments with them around. What a wonderful family! I would love to be around on the holidays, I bet there is lots of laughter and fun.