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Showing posts from September, 2009
Nichole came in to do some pictures in the studio, one of my first seniors this year to do studio images! Here are just a few!


This was one of my son's Cross Country Home races. It was very exciting (and entertaining too!)

Socially Conscious Coffee

I photographed this event for Socially Conscious Coffee (for more info email ). It is a great organization that provides meals, education and health care for the children of Coffee Bean workers in Brazil. It was a wonderfully laid back event with a wonderful silent auction and wonderful people.


It was a beautiful morning in Lyons when we set out to do Elizabeth's Senior Pictures. We tromped around car wash with the Coke wall before we went off to the river. I love this wall! It is so fun! The water was super cold! Elizabeth reported that her feet were at first numb and then eventually became warm... maybe not a good sign. I was in the water too, but my feet were just super chilly numb - until a sharp rock poked them then I could feel them again.