This is the engagement session for Jessica and Adam, they are getting married in May and I cannot wait! This was their 3rd or 4th engagement sitting, I know it sounds strange, but they won a couple of sittings at wedding shows. It was awesome, they were like old pros at it! Sometimes I meet couples that fit like puzzle pieces and these 2 definitely are like that! I love it! I told Adam to pick up Jess and spin her around and when he put her down, she picked him and twirled him around. It was awesome! We were walking down Pearl Street and this little dog was running around, alluding his owner. The dog would wait for him to get close, then he would dart away making his master follow. It was very cute! This was the icing on the cake! At our last stop, the man with the guitar accosted my assistant (it was really my husband, who was being very helpful!) aski...
Hello and welcome to my blog! The purpose of my blog is to showcase the marvelous people I photograph. I have also included some of my personal adventures and the wonderful people I share my life with. Enjoy!