This will be my first installment of Aly and Brandon's wedding - only because there were too many to chose from! These two were everything you could want from a wedding couple! They were sweet, in love and just enough sarcastic enough to keep me on my toes! I love these two! I love this barn! And they make it look so much better! Love, love, love! Oh my! Her face! This is what I love about these two! There is just some feistiness in these two! I may be understating this a wee bit... these two jump off of tall things and fall gracefully. For fun! And for some, that is not really adventurous. They also put on squirrel suits and jumps off of more tall things. With grace. So, the feistiness and sarcasm is REAL and appreciated. These two! I love them! To check out more work, visit our website at . ...
Hello and welcome to my blog! The purpose of my blog is to showcase the marvelous people I photograph. I have also included some of my personal adventures and the wonderful people I share my life with. Enjoy!