I was super excited about Camden's Senior Pictures! I was so excited because we were meeting at a skate park. And then it snowed. I knew it was going to be hard for Camden to skate with the snow, I was hoping it would melt. It did a little, but we definitely didn't get to do all the fun things I wanted to do. But the best part was having the skate park to ourselves! We were able to do smoke bombs! That was pretty awesome! This was the other benefit of snow! Super spectacular! I really love these in the field! I am so glad his mom had the vehicle to get back to the field, my car would still be stuck in the snow and mud! Camden wanted to do some with his truck and we tried for a sunset, but it was one of those days without a sunset. I was bummed, but I was relieved because I couldn't feel my legs anymore. For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-53...
Hello and welcome to my blog! The purpose of my blog is to showcase the marvelous people I photograph. I have also included some of my personal adventures and the wonderful people I share my life with. Enjoy!