I loved working with Jenaya! She had this wonderful vision of doing pictures at her grandma's house and a bookstore! It was absolutely fantastic! And we had so much fun! Her grandma has this marvelous house with so many different spaces and places to be! I loved it so much! Jenaya is such a marvelously fun human being! I love how goofy and fun she is! I love her puppy! So cute! The bookstore was so awesome! The BookBar is such a fun place! I was very grateful that they allowed us to do pictures there! I love this one! I love this table! It was so cool! For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com. You can see work at www.nataliebeckphotography.com
Hello and welcome to my blog! The purpose of my blog is to showcase the marvelous people I photograph. I have also included some of my personal adventures and the wonderful people I share my life with. Enjoy!