Martha and Valentin's wedding was wonderful. It was a perfect day in between snow storms with blue skies and hardly any wind. I couldn't have asked for a better day to photograph a bride and groom.

Getting Martha into her dress was quite the task. The room we were in was about 8 feet wide and 15 long and there were 5 bridesmaids, a bride, a photographer and a stray guest or two crammed into the room. But Martha was lucky to have so much help and she made it into her dress with just a couple of snags.

Had it been up to me (and if we had more time) I would have photographed all of the boys at the McDonald's Playland - inside and out. But as it was we had just enough time for a few burgers.

Don't they all look awesome?

I really wish I had been the one taking these shots. My wonderful assistant, who doubles as my husband on the side, was on the stairs above them and it worked beautifully.

I think this is my favorite garter picture ever! I love that the little one is standing there waiting, just waiting for his dad. He really was so patient.

Generic Baby
Aimee and I in front of the Church on a windy March day
The photo lab at Metro...
And now this. You have always been gifted, and your style has matured to truly amazing. You have such an ability to capture the artistry and beauty of the moment. I was thrilled to see that you've put a blog up to share your artistry with the world.
Come visit. The material here is amazing.
I love you and miss you.