For Brandy's Sr. Pictures, she wanted to take pictures with her niece Kira. And that sounded fine to me... But no-one mentioned, or maybe they did and I shrugged it off, that Kira was very mobile (VERY MOBILE) and she didn't like to stay in one place. Luckily I had my long lens with me and Kira was a little curious about me. But this isn't supposed to be about Kira, it's about Brandy. Brandy was very apprehensive about having her picture taken, but you wouldn't notice, she has such a great smile! I always try, very unsuccessfully I might add, to get Seniors to laugh - but with Brandy she just cracked herself up, I didn't have to try. It was great.

I love this image. Brandy was very good at smiling and looking serious!

Here she is trying to look like her cousin.
