These are Aimee's Sr. Pictures, I did them before the holidays and this is the first chance I've had to put them up! She lives in Southern Colorado, so I had to go on her advice for places to go and we were running out of light fast. Then to top it off, we decided to go under an old wooden bridge and this couple stops and starts grilling us about what we were doing. It turns out they thought we were dumping trash. When they found out what we were doing they were curious as to why, but ok with us being down there.

I love her eyes!

Little troll under the bridge!

Just as the light was running out, we came across a really cool bridge from a previous road. It was just too far to walk through the snow in, but I thought maybe we could get it in the background. But after struggling with the flash and low light, I just turned the car lights on her. I did like how some of these came out with the dark blue background.
