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Showing posts from April, 2012

Wild Basin Lodge Wedding Photography, Kim and Jim

It was so exciting to go back and look at these images!  I was thinking they were just a couple of years ago and well you could say a couple plus some.  It's amazing how quickly time flies by.  Anyway, I was uploading them for Wild Basin Lodge , which is where they were taken.  It was very exciting to go back and see one of my favorite weddings!

Brighton Senior Pictures, Lukas

Just when I thought it was over, I just did a Senior for 2012.  Actually, I had done a couple for the yearbook way back when and we were just waiting for him to get his braces off.  He wanted to do some with a piano, and we found this lovely piano at the Armory .  I was very thankful they let us use it!  I love these shots across the piano!  I had wedged myself into a corner and squished up against the wall, but I love the reflection and the piano insides!  Two of the art pieces on the wall behind him are his mom's!  I love it when stuff like that happens.  I love these last 2 shots!

Brighton Portrait Photography, Ryker turns 1!

You may remember Ryker from other blogs, and now he is turning 1!  This photo session, it was so much easier to get him to smile!  I was so excited! I love the images below!  I'm not really sure what he was doing to his teddy bear in the middle image, but it sure seemed intense.  Nom!  Nom!  Some more of that intensity...  Love the tie!  And the cake!  What a fabulous cake it was (Brittannie made me my own little one...  that was devoured by 5 other people).