I had not met Melissa and her family before, I knew she had a 1 and 3 year old, I was a bit worried what with my track record with uncooperative children lately. I prayed that they would both be in a good mood and full of smiles - and it worked! I was able to relax the minute I saw the girls. It had nothing to do with me, but the fact that grandpa came along and both girls are obviously so in love with him. Yay grandpa! And the day was absolutely gorgeous! The light was perfect and it wasn't too hot, I wish every portrait sitting could be this golden! And of course the pink tutus made everyone happy, as tutu's often do!
See Adrianna is like 'wait grandpa's back there! Let's go get him!'
They are soooo stinking cute!
One of the things I really loved about this session was that Melissa and Chris really wanted to do pictures of just the 2 of them. And not just one or two, that was why they brought grandpa, so we could do more. I wish more couples would do this. I think it is so easy to forget about the couple part of a family and just focus on the kid part.
So sweet!
I just loved these! And they were so fun and vibrant!
At this point, the girls really just wanted to play and not take pictures anymore. So rather than torture them, I thought for their future in liking photography, we had better let them do what they want. What could be better than having your dad toss you in the air? Me, myself totally miss that!