Here is part 1 of Karina's Quinceanera, I decided to do in parts because I have been so crazy busy, I thought maybe I might get some sleep tonight. I have known Karina since she was little, little. I think the first time I met her she was 3 or 4 and just a teeny, tiny thing and now I honestly can't believe that she just turned 15! And not just because that means my own daughter will be turning 15 right after her, that is only part of it... And that means that her brother and my son are going to be 20... I guess I'd rather not think about it.... Anyway, I was very pleased to do her Quinceanera pictures and to hang out with her family!
I totally love her shoes!
Don't her and her mom look fabulous???
She was so lucky to get a limo to ride around in for a few hours. A pink one no less!
The limo! We were supposed to go downtown and I am not really sure why we didn't, but my back and nose would have preferred not to be stuck in the back of a cramped limo full of sweaty teenagers - just sayin'! I did learn more about the teenage species though - they do not like to listen to a song all the way through, they LOVE taking pictures of themselves, they are constantly checking facebook/instagram/twitter/somethingelseIcan'tremember, they don't like balloons in their faces (who could blame them?), they do not like me taking their pictures, they get all excited about finding Red Bull in the limo wet bar and will tear apart the limo to find more and they quickly forget an adult is present making me wonder what my daughter says with her friends.