I have been so excited for Rachel and James' wedding! They are such a marvelous couple! Their engagement session was the best and I just knew their wedding would be just as wonderful, loving and kindhearted!
It was the perfect day for a wedding, a little muggy, but not too hot. And overcast. Just the right kind, not too dark and a little bit of sun some of the times. All of their guests were amazing and marvelous and loveable! I wish I could do their wedding over and over again!
Rachel was so great, jumping up and off of bed's to place the dress in just the right spot. Fetching things and offering things, just to make sure that everyone had what they needed. It was like she wasn't getting married or something! I love when brides are so appreciative of the people around them! It is very lovely!
When Rachel and James first went out on a date and the date, time and place were decided upon, Rachel said 'then it's settled.' It became a kind of mantra for them throughout the dating period and now beyond! Rachel had it engraved in James' ring as a special wedding surprise.
I love this image!
Both of them writing their vows. You would have never known they did it the morning of the wedding, they were both so eloquent and tender during the ceremony.
The dogs! What fabulous dogs they are!
Such a sweet picture of Magnus loving Mom now that she was here!
It really does take a village! Everyone participated in the ceremony, helped arrange where the ceremony would be and moved it just once. James' parents performed the ceremony and said some just marvelous things about marriage and life together that almost made me cry. I'm not really sure how James kept it together.
Aren't they just lovely together???
And the kissing. And kissing. And more kissing.
I was able to make it almost all the way around the Hoopa for just 1 kiss! They will start teaching Wedding Ceremony Kissing 101 next week, followed by Public Affection, it's not all that bad 101.
No comment (but you can guess because it is here on my blog, I like it!)
Really love!
Check out those socks!
Love even more!
