I thought I should share what I have been up to because there are many of you out there waiting on images! Today was my sons last day of school, so that has consumed much of my time! I have photographed 3 graduations, 4 nights of a play (the Little Mermaid, if you haven't guessed it yet), photographed 3 families and a wedding. I have been diligently working in between car trips to schools, stores to buy the end of year paraphernalia and all the other everyday stuff. Not to mention replanting my garden because it has rained so much in Colorado, it killed all my hand held, grown in the house for months seedlings. And attending weddings of friends already too! It has been a busy Spring!
Little Mermaid gets 2 photos because this one below is my youngest son. I usually don't brag or take time out to talk about them (unless it has something to do with a photo shoot), but I was so very proud of him! He did a great job, even though he missed 2 shows because he was sick. He was by far my favorite Chef Louis ever!
Graduations are usually very cut and dry, show up, photograph them and off you go. Sometimes the speakers are great and I remember something, but there isn't a connection or something that makes me remember specific graduations. These guys were different, the staff and students were obviously so close and connected. They had a very good time, lots of whoops and hollers - all encouraged by the President of the school. I kind of wanted to go to chef school that day! And maybe still do....
Weddings are so very important and the Brides and Grooms always want to see their pictures as soon as they possibly can.... I am trying really hard to get them done! I believe Brett may be drinking more if I don't get on it quicker!
And this little girl is over waiting. She is just so tired of looking and waiting. And looking and waiting. And not seeing any progress...
I have never seen so many decorated hats! And what great messages! They were amazingly clever, smart and mature for High School kids! This group of kids was small, around 80 some, and they were so respectful of each other and the speakers. All around just a great group of kids.
So with all this rambling, I promise - I PROMISE!! I am working on things and slowly getting them done!To check out more work, visit our website at www.nataliebeckphotography.com. Or for more information on Weddings, Portraits, Senior Pictures, or other various photographic needs contact Natalie at 720.837.5378 or Natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com.