Usually something memorable happens during a session, sometimes it is small like a dead animal or being stalked by a hungry squirrel or sometimes big like a couple hiking and the woman going into labor. Brandon's Senior Pictures were so far the most memorable this year. We had permission to photograph on the football field, we were told that the soccer team would be practicing too. We didn't think the soccer team coach would lock us in. He knew we were there, so it stood to reason that he would come tell us he was leaving. But I guess, it didn't stand to reason and we had to jump the fence. This isn't the best photo of Brandon jumping the fence, but since I had handed my camera off to my assistant all I had was my phone. Brandon was wonderfully amazing and helped his mom and cousin over the fence. I felt so bad that they all had to jump the fence!
It was such a warm day and poor Brandon kept putting on his letterman jacket, I am sure he was dying inside that jacket!

To check out more work, visit our website at Or for more information on Weddings, Portraits, Senior Pictures, or other various photographic needs contact Natalie at 720.837.5378 or