Oh my gosh! What an amazing family! They were so vibrant and fun! The girls were so cute, they were so excited to do pictures! They had so many ideas about what to do and how to do it and then they wanted to see all the pictures - I was in heaven! There was a moment when one of the girls wasn't smiling and Kim and Dominic would stand behind me yelling popcorn! Popcorn! When the other one had an issue smiling, we tried the popcorn thing and instead she said poop! Somehow that one didn't get repeated as often... But it was super cute!
What beautiful girls! They was so much laughter and smiling!
They are quite the handful!
The girls were so excited about doing pictures with a banner, I loved how interested they were in coloring on the banner.
I love this image!
They had so much fun throwing fake snow in the air! It was adorable!
To check out more work, visit our website at www.nataliebeckphotography.com. For more information on Weddings, Portraits, Senior Pictures, or other various photographic needs contact Natalie at 720.837.5378 or Natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com