I had so many plans - different outfits, spinning and billowy dresses and skirts, different jackets, jackets on and off, jewelry, twinkle lights, etc... and then we got there and sunk into this weird snow/gravel mixture and suddenly the biggest issue became how to get Cala from spot to spot in her vans and ankle socks... I was so worried she would get frostbite or lose a toe! Luckily, her dad gave her a piggy back ride from spot to spot. Not quite how I envisioned this session. I thought we'd have a leisurely walk through the beautiful ice castles, ooohhhing and aaaaahhhhhing. I don't know how she was able to survive this ordeal! Except it's Cala and she loves cold. If it had been anyone else, they may not have made it!
This was so cute! Her dad was trying to stay out of the way and was peeking out to see if we were done.
This is really what it was like at the Ice Castles, there were people EVERYWHERE!
I love this one!
This was the coolest! CBS was at the Ice Castles and they asked to interview Cala! It was very cool!
For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com. You can see work at www.nataliebeckphotography.com