When I first met Elise I could just tell that she is an amazing young woman! She is so present and aware, which definitely allows her to be quick witted and clever! She definitely knows what she wants and doesn't want and she wasn't afraid to tell me no she didn't want to do something! I love that! We need more women in the world who can speak their minds!
I love this one! She has such an amazing laugh!
The weather was perfect that day! And so was the light! I love that there was enough of a breeze to blow her hair a bit and blow across the water to make it look amazing!
I love all the colors! So beautiful!
I love this one!
Elise is in drama and we had talked about things we could do, she wasn't really interested in doing any of them, but she brought this mask for fun! I thought it would go perfect with my bamboo mat and the roses!
I sooo LOVE this one!
I love that she wanted to do downtown Lafayette! There were so many places I didn't even think of when I first suggested it! And when we got there, I wished we had more time!
I had a session earlier that day at Tattered Cover and stopped to buy a book really quick. I am so glad I did! I used this book at that session and on this one too! So far it is my most photographed book! I hope it ends up being a good book!
I love this spot! I really wish I had thought of doing pictures here ages ago! It is such an amazing place!