Alissa and Dave have one of the most amazing families! Their kids (adults really) are so amazing and absolutely wonderful! I know that parents don't always deserve the credit for their children's awesomeness, but I believe they deserve A LOT! And these two definitely do! Which all leads to how wonderful Alissa and Dave themselves are! I know I’m getting all gushy, it’s been awhile since I have posted and it’s the end of the holidays so I’m feeling extra. AND these guys are all so amazing it’s hard not to gush… enough of that onto the pictures!

I so love this one! I love how adoring Alissa is of her kids!
This one is pretty awesome too!
Hands down my favorite! And if anyone ever wonders, Alissa is one of my favorite clients and it is things like this that make her one of my favorites!
Olivia had wanted to wear leather or fur for their family pictures, I was so on board with this idea, but Alissa said no. She was willing to compromise and so they all wore band t-shirts for the end. And the greatest thing happened! A record store appeared and they allowed us to do photos there! If you are in Boulder, check out Paradise Found, they have a fantastic store and they are wonderful individuals!
For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email You can see work at