Amanda and Colby's wedding was as beautiful and wonderful as I knew it would be. They are such a wonderful couple and I have been waiting months, maybe even a year, to do their wedding. Amanda looked fabulous, even when she was convinced her make-up was melting off, she still looked wonderful! They were married in the country amongst the heat and the flies - somethings are just unforgettable! But even those couldn't put a damper on the day, it was just too perfect!
I couldn't separate the next two images, one just wouldn't be the same without the other - and for inquiring minds, they are standing in front of a fan - due to the heat. Oh, did I mention the air conditioning didn't work?

Amanda thought it would be fun for the girls to chase the tractor, and they did a fabulous job (even better than when the guys had a chance to chase the girls on the tractor, but I can't blame them they were wearing those horrible rental shoes with no traction.)

Here are the boys chasing the tractor.
