This first image of Taylor was really a recreation of her aunt's totally 80's Senior Picture. I'm pretty sure I should have focused on just her face, but the hand on the tree was screaming 80's so much, I just couldn't resist.
I loved Taylor's excitement and willingness to do just about everything I asked her!
Boulder is always such a great spot - we had flowers, water, gardens and stone all to play with! I have been blessed with so many Seniors that want to do something different this year! And Taylor definitely fit that! She had so many ideas about what to do and try out, I just stood there and took pictures.
I loved Taylor's excitement and willingness to do just about everything I asked her!

And I just have to add how sweet her family is! They tagged along and said nothing but encouraging things to her - and her brother showed up half way through and offered her some of his drink! My kids would NEVER do something like that! They'd argue that they had to share, and why does she get some of my drink when I didn't get some of her drink last week and on and on. The fact that Alex offered without being told was quite astonishing. I think Taylor's family should teach How to Teach Your Kids to be Nice to Each Other 101.
