Saturday was a crazy, crazy day! I started out photographing an adorable 3 1/2 year old little boy up for adoption! He was soooo cute and sweet! He even gave me a hug when I left. Then I was off to spend 2 hours shooting dogs at the pool - after this I have seriously considered changing my career. I'm just not sure that there enough dog pool parties to feed me for the rest of my life... We'll just have to see. Anyway, this K-9 pool party was hosted by The Healthy Bone, a wonderful pet supply store in Erie, Colorado. Chris, the owner, has watched our dogs before. As wonderful as Chris was, I was deeply saddened when I picked my dogs up and they whined when HE drove away. Not only that, they ran to watch him leave and barked for him to come back.
I was very pleased to see that there was a Life Guard on duty, just in case. The only problem was he (I think it was a he) didn't really want to get wet past his paws.
There were lots of tennis balls to be had... and chased... and chewed on...

Some dogs were a bit more aggresive than others. He-he!

Some dogs were in need of help, especially after they were thrown, pushed or tossed into the water.

I had a wonderful time photographing these guys, but it did prove to be difficult. I got lots of shots like this and splashes with tails and a leg or two leaving the frame. Either way, it was a blast!

Eeeeeeeewwwwwww! His dog's tongue is touching his FACE! I love my dogs, but I have limits! And anything with a tongue, should keep their tongue to themselves and definitely not on my face!

This would be Chris from The Healthy Bone, the wonderful person that allowed all these dogs into the pool. Yay Chris!
