Ashlie is such a sweet girl and just a little bit shy. I did her friend Rachel's Senior Pictures and she told me how wonderful Ashlie was - I just love glowing recommendations from friends! I was very lucky to have 2 friends helping me out with her session, I do have to say how strange it was not to be carrying everything and to have someone there to help with lenses, umbrellas and the like.

Boulder Creek was perfect that day! Not too high and not too low! I wish I could keep it that way for the rest of the season. Maybe a little bit warmer, it was very chilly in the water.
I love this image!
Aren't those the coolest boots ever???
At this point, the water was very cold! But when I climbed out and my legs started to prickle, I kind of wanted to go back in the water. I don't know how Ashlie's legs and toes were holding up, but mine were quite angry with me. And actually I'm surprised that Ashlie doesn't have more of 'what are doing???' look on her face because I was in the water up to my thighs and practically laying on top of the water to get this shot. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking, but at the time it always seems like a good idea. And makes for a fun shot!
I loved this outfit!
I love the bear! And I hope Ashlie doesn't mind me sharing this... The bear is made from a shirt of grandfather's and she wanted to have a photograph with it for her grandmother. I was so touched.