I thought I had posted Emily's pictures over a week ago, but they seemed to have disappeared... that is the second time an entire blog has gone missing... Grrrrr! I hate it when technology goes wrong! So here are Emily's pictures! We went downtown and hung around by Union Station, such a great place to take pictures!!
Emily is such a great girl! She has such a wonderful down to earth personality and was such a joy to be around. Her mom and sister and best friend came along for the fun. It was so great to see how supported she was by these great woman!
I love all the red! Emily looks so wonderful in red!
When I first saw this bench, I fell in love! I swore I wouldn't over use it. But when Emily had a red dress.... I just couldn't resist.
Emily and her best friend were so adorable! There was lots of laughing and smiling!
I love the inside of Union Station! And not to sound selfish, but I wish so many people didn't go there. It would make my job so much easier!
I love this image with the reflections! I really wish it was Italy in the windows!