I first did Avery's pictures when he was 18 months or so! I cannot believe how much he has grown! It really doesn't seem like that much time has passed... He was the spunkiest toddler, always full of energy and moving everywhere! He has definitely settled down since those small years, he has the greatest sense of humor and is always cracking jokes! One thing that hasn't changed is his smile - it just lights everything up!
I love how serious he can be and then the next minute he's laughing!
Avery really wanted some with the chickens and I cannot believe we got 1! They are definitely not the kind of animal that cooperates! We had food and noises and they all ignored us, except this one little chicken. And even this one walked away seconds after I took this.
We are going to do some more with his la crosse gear soon and I can't wait! I love doing sports pictures!
I love this one with his mom - she is the best! She loves her kids so much and she is such an inspiration!
For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com. You can see work at www.nataliebeckphotography.com