What a fantastic day! Sydney and Alex were surrounded by wonderful family and friends! This day was a true village coming together to support 2 beautiful people!

Love the hair!

I love how elegant Sydney is! She is just so natural! And on top of that she is a wonderful human being! Just an absolutely beautiful soul!

The checking of the watches was awesome! I love that he was so excited about getting to the ceremony!
I always love what happens right before they walk down the aisle! So many different emotions!
Love this!
This is one of my favorite parts of my job, watching families and how they love each other! And I really love this one!
This is one my favorite venues! It doesn't matter what time of day it is, the light here is off the charts fantastic!
For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com. You can see work at www.nataliebeckphotography.com