I have known Wyatt forever! And this kid makes me laugh so hard! He has the best timing! And we had such a wonderful time with all of his animals, even the pig that didn't want to participate was fun!
I am just going to say that I was super excited about photographing Wyatt and his calf... and now I wish I had known just how difficult it would be. It turns out that calves just wanna eat! And to get them to turn around - just a little - you have to walk them around and come back again. They don't like to cooperate very well... And had I known that pigs were less cooperative than calves, I wouldn't have planned on so many cute pictures of these two animals.
But isn't this adorable?? I love it!
I love these by the barn! And I really love that we were able to do pictures in a spot that means so much to Wyatt and his family!

At least when Wyatt was "done" with taking pictures he became goofy non-compliant and not grumpy non-compliant.
At one point he yelled "Mom take me away from the mean lady!" The mean lady was me, and in my defense, I was just trying to do my job.
