I wasn't really sure this session was going to happen, we went from 9 to 7 to 5 people. Then when we arrived, the beach was muddy from the rain the day before and just as we started to take pictures the wind picked up. And the wind didn't stop for the rest of the night. But even all that (and all the pokey stickers that were on the beach) we still had an amazing time! These kids were so awesome and had so many wonderful ideas!
One of the things I love the most about the model team is the connections they all make! Often times they know each other from elementary or middle school. It is so great to see!
Wyatt didn't want to do any pictures by himself, I'm kind of bummed, I think I should have been the big bad mean lady and made him do it! But I am really glad we at least got some of him and Liam! And to be a little honest, I had no idea what to do with them! Every time I said to do something they looked at me like I was an alien. Girls are never like that! Whenever I mention something, they say "yes AND!" Boys are just not like that! But I am so grateful to have them on the team because they add a whole different level of fun to a team! Wyatt had all of them laughing and smiling, I loved that!
Wyatt had this paddle board and was so gracious to bring it, even though he had to leave early to do 4H chores. I loved having the girls stand on it and play with it! It was so much fun!
They had so much fun with the camera! I wish we had done more with it, but the wind made it really hard!
Love this one!
I just adore these 3 girls! Ellie knew Dianah and Gianna, and then Dianah and Gianna bonded so quickly! I loved watching it all happen!I love this one soooo much!
This was one of the fun things about the wind! We had a great time playing with this wrap and the wind!
This is my absolute favorite!