This blog post is really to highlight why you shouldn't photograph your own children's Senior Portraits. Not because you don't love them, or aren't adept at taking pictures. But one because they won't listen to you, two they tend to be belligerant and three they know how to push your buttons.

A perfect example of defiance.

The laughter when asked to do something... or the hand on the forehead signaling embarrasment.

The incessant texting! OMG! Put your phone DOWN!

I hadn't seen faces like this since he was two! But here they were again.

I believe these to be the true faces of Nick...

Again with the phone? Put it DOWN!

I'm pretty sure this was the face of - "How old do you think I am crazed woman with a camera??? I am not doing ________!"

The many faces/moods I had to endure.

Really??? I am trying to do my job! This is why I don't take them to work with me!