I photographed part of the Coffey family last year, this year they decided to make it a big family gathering. It was lots of fun (as usual, but shhhh! Don't let anyone know how much fun I'm always having! I'm sure I could get in trouble or something.) I took them to one of my favorite spots, with really tall grasses hoping for a sunny day - when the sun hits the grass, it glows, but no such luck. It was cloudy, cloudy!
It was funny, the adults (not the kids) were constantly telling on each other - when I was photographing the first family, I turn around and the mom of the dad I am photographing is making faces trying to get her grown son to smile. Then when I took the mom and her husband to do images, her son tells me to watch her because she does this funny scrunchy, smiley face. Too funny!
Such a goof!
I love the big group hugs! They are always so much fun!
All of the girls were so cooperative and fabulous and wonderful!
Aren't they all just marvelous??? I could have photographed them all day long!