It is summer! And because it is that time of year, I have been so super busy! All week all I wanted to do was take the kids to the pool and try and enjoy the last sliver of summer we have together. And tomorrow is my youngest kiddo's 10th birthday and I have been trying so hard to get all my work done before all the festivities begin! Crossing my fingers... It is already 11pm - here's to hoping the Photoshop fairies hear my pleas!
So with no more chatter, here are some images from Mitchel's Senior Portrait session! He had a short session, you know being a guy they don't always go for the longer sessions, but I always worry I'll get a non-smiler. But Mitchel was great, he had a very nice smile and non-smiling face! I have been very lucky this year to have such easy going, comfortable and easy to work with teens!

I loved the Corvette pictures! For reasons I don't understand, I don't have a corvette... This really must be remedied!