Jasmine's Senior Portrait session was a blast! We went to one of my favorite places in Golden and the light was perfect! And then we went downtown, another one of my favorite spots. She was so easy to work with and had such a great attitude! I think I could have photographed her all day! She was telling me that she wants to go to college in New York. She hasn't been there, but she loves the idea. I think New York would be a fabulous place to go to college! Then if you don't like the big city, you transfer and go somewhere else. But if you like the big city, what a better time to be there than when you are in college and so young? I wish there was some reason as an adult to go live there for a year or two and then go home... Maybe when the kids are out of the house...
I love this image!
The umbrella so much fun in the tall grass!
Jasmine's sister and her nephew came along to assist and when Jasmine was changing I was showing her nephew the water bugs in the creek. He was so cute! Like any kid will do, he kept poking them with sticks and smiling. It was awesome to see him having such a good time.
Here are the 3 of them, so cute!
I love the sunglasses! And she was such a great sport to do these!
I love this blue wall!