Lexi is one of our Senior Models, and we still have half a session left. She really wanted to do some images at the softball field and it worked out better to do those in the morning and then we will do another session in the afternoon downtown. I really do enjoy the split sessions! It gives me a chance to see how people photograph and then I get to do it all over again. I love how Lexi photographs! She is stunning with those big brown eyes! They are absolutely beautiful!

I really loved the softball field! It was seriously hot and dusty! It was great, because Lexi was not afraid to get dirty! Totally loved it! I was even in the dirt with her and when I left, I had dirt and chalk all over me. All totally worth it!
Here are Lexi and her friend! I loved them, they were so much fun! I hope to have a stop motion film of them up soon! First I have to figure out some problems with the computer re-build and why I can't export videos.
This would be her and her sister and mom. So adorable!