Just because I love sharing wedding things so much! Here is blog 2 of this marvelous couple!
I love this one! It is so cute!
This was the cutest with her daughter fixing her veil!
I love all the smiles!
I am not sure if she was looking at her boyfriend, fiance or husband... but she obviously really liked Bri's ring... maybe even over her own.
Love, LOVE this cake!
You may remember Misty and Chris from 2020! They got married on 10/10/20 and Adam, Misty's brother got married on 11/11/22! I adore this thread!
This was such a fun game! The DJ asked them questions like who was the best cook or the messiest and they put up the shoe of the person they thought it was. It was super cute and lots of laughter!
I love that Bri danced with their daughter, it was absolutely adorable!
I love excited Adam's mom was to dance with her grand daughters! She is just adorable!
I don't want this to be my favorite image of the night... but it kind of is! I mean at what age does it become unacceptable to not have half a mug of tiny marshmallows?? Obviously, the age of the girls behind...
Love all these dancing images!
Cake! And this cake looked amazing! This is probably the first wedding ever that I didn't eat at least a little bit of cake. I was very sad! Stupid stomach bug!
Not sure what was happening here... I just hope his arm is ok...
Love, love, love! The little ones always make me so happy!
For more information on High School Seniors, Portraits and Weddings call Natalie at 720-837-5378 or email natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com. You can see work at www.nataliebeckphotography.com