I loved working with this family! Taylor was so helpful! She helped me set up, helped me check my lighting and did just about everything I asked. Even brought me a glass of water and asked if I wanted ice or not. She was just so sweet!
I love these shirts! They are so adorable!
I can not believe we got this shot! He would not go to sleep and when he finally did, his mom moved him and presto he was awake again. I seriously need a baby brain climate controlled room! If it's too cold, they can turn up the heat; if it's too bright, they can turn up the lights; if it's too quiet, they can turn up the sound. I swear every newborn I photograph stays awake the entire time and sleeps great for the rest of the day!
I asked Taylor if she was excited to be a big sister and she kind of paused for a minute, I knew that she was really trying to figure out the proper response. But whatever she said, it doesn't matter because she does love her little brother. And she is excited about parts of having a baby brother.