Melissa and Brent's pictures were so amazing! They were the nicest, most down to earth people. And their girls were adorable! The little one wanted to do everything the older wanted to do, which I found totally adorable! Hailey did not find it as adorable. She may have been a little annoyed by it, just like any sister would be. Which I also found endearing, call me strange, but my little brother is 12 years younger and I totally missed out on the annoying sibling thing.
Melissa runs a charitable non-profit called Ear Community, it is a very interesting organization. There are so many great organizations out there and I had no idea this one existed, so I thought I would share it here and hope more people would look into it.
Aren't they sooo precious???
Hailey was so awesome to keep posing for me to get light right! And secretly, I got some great shots of her! Multi-tasking!
Such cuteness!