What amazing kiddos! They were very patient and listened to what I asked them to do! And they did it in the most adorable way! The smiles were so shiny and big - I loved it! They had such a good time in the tent! As much as I loved the tent pictures, the ones after that were just as amazing!
Such an adorable family! And what marvelous parents these guys are! The kids were so amazing possibly because the parents were so amazing! I loved how close they were!
I love these!
They loved running! I was a little worried that one of them might trip and fall and hurt themselves, but luckily there was a small tumble, but that's all.
Oh my! These two! They are so sweet and adorable!
As we were wrapping up, there was a branch. And this branch seemed to be the coolest branch that ever was. I'm not sure if it made it into the car, for the parents sake I was hoping that the branch lost some of it's appeal.
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