Ashley did such a great job, I hardly had to pose her at all and she just naturally fell into whatever pose I did put her in. I loved her dog too, he was a total cutey! It was so hot out that day, I think it was one of the days that was over 100. I was very thankful that we were down by the river and in the middle a city or something.

I love this image with all the water behind her!
I loved this spot, the light was so beautiful - although it was a bit hot in the sun.

I love these! They are so much fun!

And the dog was a wee bit jealous, so he had to join Ashley in the water!
I love these too! I don't remember what she was laughing about, but it sure turned out cute.
Their trainer told them when he barked at other dogs or people to pick him up, and hold him upside down. I may have to do that with one of our dogs, he's just a bit bigger and I'm not sure I could handle his breath for that long... We'll have to see.
I love it when people want to get in the water! I had great pictures of how her dress would float in the water and I mean inside the water, not on top. However, her dress didn't cooperate very well...
I love this one too!