I seem to be doing an awful lot of Senior Pictures in Boulder... I really do wish I could do them in Brighton, but there isn't a lot to choose from here. And with all the hot weather, the few places there are, are scorched and brown. Cole's were on one of those scorching days. I hadn't really noticed the heat (I was still driving a rental that had air conditioning that actually worked) until we started. And even me, who likes heat, was dripping and uncomfortable. When I got back in the car, the temperature gage read 102! It's amazing he was able to look so good throughout the session! I usually have troubles with the heat, but this summer that has been the main problem! I may start putting a it's too hot we have to reschedule policy.

Look at those eyes! They are so blue!
I love the red shirt! At first I didn't know how it would work with the background, but I think it turned out great! Very complimentary.