This was a wonderful day, Aiden was celebrating his 100 day celebration. Now bare with me, I may get some of this wrong. In Korea, the baby is kept away from everyone to protect it from colds and such things for the first 100 days. At the end of the 100 days, there is a celebration that the baby is still healthy. And this was Aiden's 100 day celebration, as well as family pictures and his sister Saddie's dance pictures - I'm thinking his mom could have fit in a few more things that day...

I'm not sure if he is smiling or about to scream, but my memory says smile.
He's like - 'hey dad, is it this finger you said not to put up?'
Here is the beautiful Aunt and Uncle.
Aiden was handed around a lot that day, he didn't seem to mind too much. I think he just liked being held and loved so much!
The happy sister and brother.
Mysty kept kicking Aiden in the face with his own foot and he thought it was the funniest thing in the world. It doesn't really sound that fun to me, but later this week I plan on trying and see if it improves my mood as well. And if I am not that limber anymore, I will have my husband grab my foot and ignore my cries of pain and hit me in the face. We'll see how that goes.
Here is the whole family. They were a lot of fun! Kind of hard to corral and they were a bit surly... I'm really just kidding. They were wonderful and definiately kept me laughing.
Saddie getting her 'dance' make-up, by a professional mak-up artist. I think everyone should be so lucky!
One of Saddie's dance outfits, they were so much fun! This is the second time I've done someone in their dance outfits and both times it has been a blast!
I love that Aiden is crying! While his family makes goofy faces around him!
I love this image! And the outfit was awesomely fun!
Here is Aiden in his blessing suit, so cute!
I love everything about this outfit and her hair and the location. I love the shadow and colors, I think I could have stayed in this spot all day!
I love this image of Saddie!
And this is how sleeping babies pose.