I have been waiting for Lacey's Senior Pictures for years! I was so excited about this day! And Lacey did such an amazing job! She is just a delight to work with!
I totally love this one too!
I love that Lacey's boyfriend came along! We got so many cute ones with them!
I love the megaphone! It was given to her aunt by a neighbor 20 some years ago and her aunt had it painted for Lacey and gave it to her! It still has the original cheer cheat sheets taped to the inside.
It's so great when your boyfriend comes along and helps out! These two were so extra sweet!
We were about to leave Chautauqua and I saw these flowers, I really didn't want Lacey to have to get out of the car... but I did. So we got some great images with these wild flowers! I love them!
With all the rain we've had this year, Boulder Falls has been different to photograph at! But the great thing is that I have found so many new places! I really like this view!
I love this outfit! She looks adorable!
I love these! It took forever to get the light right, but I'm glad we were able to get some!