I was a little worried about the weather for Spencer's Senior Pictures, it had been so windy and chilly that week. But we totally lucked out and had a very wonderful morning. And the colors were wonderful on top of it all, so much better than today with all the droopy, sad leaves covered in snow.

Spencer was very laid back and willing to do just about anything. That's one of the things I love so much about teenagers!
I love these images on the bridge!
Where'd he go???
This image kind of sets up the next few images.
And this is why Spencer was so willing to do just about anything. His mom wanted the image of his clothes disheveled and he wasn't the most excited about it, but he did it! And Spencer likes money - who doesn't really? So I suggested putting money in his pocket! Such a contrast with how he's put together.
When I put this image in Photoshop, it warned me that I could not print the image, but I could edit it. I so have to look the rules on that. I'm assuming it's a counterfeit thing and not necessarily a photographing money issue.
I love these kind of trees! And they were perfect the morning we did Spencer's pictures!
What kid wouldn't want to lay on a bed of money??? I was very thankful that Spencer was so willing to do some of my crazy ideas!