Here are few extras from one Part 1's families. I love the boys running! They were so energetic (and very much liked showing off their running skills) and adorable, I just had to share more!
One of my favorite shots because it has 2 cute little boys and their shoes are fantastic!
These two are twins and they were telling each other what they would do if they were older or younger. I kind of wish I knew what they were saying because they sure did think it was funny!
I love this shot! And this spot was utterly amazing!

These two definitely fit the saying 'like herding cats', they seemed to attract for mere seconds and then bounce off one another and scatter. I think I had their attention for the first 5 minutes, but I squandered it trying to do introductions and such. But I did get some cute ones!
I do love this one!

Roddy MacInnes with another family, we were a bit afraid he might fall into the pond, but luckily he maintained good balance and didn't.
I was feeling a bit sluggish and had asked my amazing assistant Joe to go get caffeine. But really I just needed the little pink spit fire Hannah. She had my adrenaline up and pumping in no time! I am pretty sure that if Hannah lived in my neighborhood, I wouldn't need caffeine ever again. I would just pop over to her house for 10 or so minutes and be good for the rest of the day.
Can you see the energy? She is definitely channeling it from somewhere!
This family was so sweet! I love how Linnea's big brother loved her so much. He didn't seem to have the same sibling rivalry most kids have. He really just wanted to cuddle his little sister - and can you blame him? She is so adorable and cuddly!
I really love all of these!
Aidan was a total sweetie! And when he grows up, he is going to be a wonderful director of some sort. He had us going here and there and back again. Placing his parents in certain spots, actually moving them 2 inches to the right, and coordinating shots. It really was adorable and I didn't feel bossed around one bit! I was actually kind, these guys were the last session of the day and I really needed creative liveliness!
I think this is one of my favorite shots of the day!