I am starting with this image to set the scene for Adrien's 3 month session... It wasn't as awful as it looks, but it certainly was not the best. I was so excited about this session, I had brought down a bed because I just got a new comforter that I thought would be fun for photos. And then right as they showed up my wireless transmitter to make the lights go off quit. I was so flustered (sorry no pictures of me crying, but I sure wanted too!) it took me forever to realize I had a cord that would make the lights go off - total head slap!
So, I had weaseled away my 15 minutes of perfect behavior trying to make my flash work like studio lights. Grrr! Silly brain not remembering basic Studio Lighting!

There were some good moments once I figured out what I was doing... And how couldn't there be with these two cuties??
Isn't she just adorable?
I love this one!
And there was her tongue!
I thought this one was wonderful, it looks like someone just told her some unpleasant news and she was like 'who' or 'what?'
I adore this one too, it is so precious.
We will do Austin's pictures closer to her second birthday, but I couldn't resist this adorable smile!