I have known these guys for years! Our kids have been in plays together and I have photographed all three of them - and let me tell you they are talented super awesome kids! And I love Julie their mom! She is just the right amount of salty - she has me snickering all the time! And she is a super fantastic makeup artist. She has been doing makeup for our kids plays and she always makes it all look so easy. And then I do it and it looks like a step up from toddler status... Anyway, it was an absolute joy to work with them on something besides plays (and get to know their dad more too)! I love how mellow and laid back Julie and Bill are. And then their kids are so over the top! It is fantastic!
We were super lucky! We did their pictures at Cheeseman Park on a day that was 96 degrees. But it didn't feel that hot in the shade and on that lush grass! So grateful! I was worried they would melt like candles!
I love this one!
What a fun family!
I love this one too!
Julie was so cute! She asked if we could do this photo and I loved the idea! It is so how we all are!
Liam is so good with his sisters! He has to be one of the best teenage boy brothers ever!
Can you imagine what it is like to be around these guys all the time?? It's not wonder their parents are so mellow, someone has to tip the scales!
I love LOVE these three as superheros! I am thinking there should be a movie with them as SUPER superheros! They would rock that movie!
I am doing a video for my business and we talked about who to video me photographing and these guys were my first choice for a family! I knew I had to find a family that could handle having their picture taken and have videographers running around too. I knew that these 3 could do that! I am so grateful they said yes!
We were waiting for the videographers to set something up, so we had some extra time and this is what they came up with to do!
This is Deb! (Here is Deb's website to her amazing photography - http://www.debcochraneimages.com/. Some day I am going to own one of her beautiful metal prints!) And she is awesome! She is from Australia and I asked if she could do a voice over for me. She declined. She also declined to make me a shadowy figure and disguise my voice like they do in crime videos. I was kind of hoping for something 007 in my video... I sure hope they don't edit out my flips, kicks and karate moves as I was "shooting."
That's Trish (and here is her website - http://www.storiesnotforgotten.com/) with the microphone - she rocks too! She actually put a microphone on me in case I said something profound and life changing - I think she too thinks my video is less about crime fighting and more about the photography... I may need to be more clear on how cool I want to appear to be...

I really am so thankful that these two are the ones doing my video. They are very intuitive and they really do get that it is about the photography and not the crime fighting - as it should be. I was so nervous about doing it that day and they made me feel comfortable and like I could breath again! They are incredibly wonderful and kind. I had a wonderful time and I didn't even really notice them!
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visit our website at www.nataliebeckphotography.com. For more information on Weddings,
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Natalie at 720.837.5378 or Natalie@nataliebeckphotography.com.